The 3 Devils are Sugar White Flour and Dairy!!!

Click Below...This is the Product that Saved Sensei Ray's Life


All things considered, a daily vitamin D intake of 1000–4000 IU, or 25–100 micrograms, should be enough to ensure optimal blood levels in most people. 4000 IU is the safe upper limit according to the Institute of Medicine (IOM). Make sure not to take more than that without consulting with a health professional.

Charlotte Gerson on Cancer and Disease

         ***​NOW 96 YEARS OLD***


TEAM HEALTH SOLUTIONS brought together into all this RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT some of the Most Powerful Ones for you and your Loved Ones, so you don't have to spend countless hours digging, vetting, and collating to use them for you to save time researching. 

One of the best ways to help us move this Information around the World is to share them and move forward (which is to say, incorporate and validate ancient healing traditions), is to reference and share the published scientific research supporting natural healing! You'll find that has a bunch of new ways to share our research far and wide. 

This is ALL the *RESEARCH* I Personally did when I found out I had the Word that everybody DOES NOT want to hear "The Big "C" Cancer Word!!! I took My Life in my own hands & DID NOT TAKE ALL THE ADVICE All My DOCTORS in those "White Jackets" told me to do!!! Being a 6th Degree Black BeltI should did not FAKE my wat to get there!!!... and you Better Believe I sure Can't FAKE through this one either!!! I Realized I Had to "Fight for My LIfe"!!! PS I DO NOT Approve... thou I Do Strongly Recommend to do your own Research This is what worked for me it doesn't mean it will work for you SORRY to say this the DISCLAIMER that has to be in here... you know how the System Works!!!

     Specializing in Total Success"

     PLEASE FEEL FREE to Contact us ASAP for Our                *TEAM* to Research Your Health Challenges!!!

Brought to you by: *DREAM TEAM FREEDOM 

As a "Martial Artist"... a 6th Degree Black Belt... being involved since I was 12 years a Full Time Adventure I was Very BLESSED to this as My Job All My Life... to being 68 years old now... way over 56 years of my Life, it's been... A Way of Life for me!!!...    THE MISSION *TO SERVE*


Cancer - The Forbidden Cures